the Elmhurst Running Club will conduct their Four on the Fourth race early morning thru downtown Elmhurst – Our club will support the race/run with communications. We will gather at 6 AM at the Rainbow Restaurant on York just south of North Avenue – KC9AMY and others will share assignments. Please bring a working HT (extra batteries always a good idea,) a reliable rubber-duckie, a pad and pen, a hat, sunglasses, and appropriate creams and ointments. The event is maybe two hours from their 7:15 am start to conclusion of your assignment. Volunteering is part of our franchise/license with the Government. Do you do your part – here’s another opportunity to both help the Club and fulfill your obligation to being a good amateur operator.
All posts by Todd Benson
JUNE meeting locations
Due to Field Day beginning the next day, this months general club meeting shall take place at the Elmhurst Fire Department training facility up on north Addison just east of the McDonald’s on North York –
Those interested in taking an FCC examination for their Amateur Radio License – our Club’s VE team will, as scheduled, offer testing at the Community Bank of Elmhurst, (our normal Fall/Winter/Spring Club meeting site.
ALSO – both the VE testing and the Club meeting shall begin at 7 PM
Do note that there will Club members on site at the Training facility all day Friday beginning at 9 AM – – – – those volunteers will be helping to put together our YRC Field Day effort –
come early – stay late!