All posts by Todd Benson

will you be a hunter?

YRC 3rd annual Fox Hunt – Friday, August 16th

The York Radio Club August meeting will be held on the 16th. at 7:30 pm. The location is the Elmhurst Fire Department Training Centerat Addison and Diversey.  


Fox Control:  Will be coordinated via the YRC Repeater 442.875 Mhz. PL 114Hz.  All coms through Fox control only. All who want to participate can check in via Fox control. Do not announce the Fox location, let others find their way. When you find the Fox you will be logged in and you can relocate to the YRC meeting location.

Fox Operation:

Our Hunt will commence at 5:30 pm and stop at 7:00 pm

Fox:  A mobile operating on 147.420 Mhz. simplex, carrier squelch. The transmitter will be a Yaesu VX-3 operating at approximately 3 watts with a roof mount magnetic antenna.  The Fox will be located in Elmhurst area on public property.

Fox Format: CW ID = W 9 Y R C, F O X  (~13 seconds)

  1. 800 Hz. Tone (~20 seconds)
  2. Unmodulated carrier (~10 seconds)
  3. New cycle starts ~30 seconds

(One complete cycle takes ~ 73 seconds)

Questions, contact George KC9UIU – gtasson @