All posts by Todd Benson

Field Day 2016

In a 24-hour blitz that will include nationwide communications, the Elmhurst-based York Radio Club will operate at least three radio stations from the Elmhurst Fire Department Training Facility, 910 N. Addison, on Saturday and Sunday, June 25-26.


The operation will be part of Amateur Radio Field Day, an annual contest started in 1933 that is designed to test emergency preparedness. In past years, more than 30,000 Amateur Radio operators in the United States and Canada have taken part.
find out more –

Visitors interested in learning more about the ham radio hobby, or those who are simply curious, are welcome. The operation will include a small solar power demonstration, as well as digital technology that combines computers with ham radios.

Elmhurst Memorial Day parade – are you there?

Whether it was 1986 or 2016 – you have shared in the public service support and/or club camaraderie enjoyed  – hope to see many of you at our local Memorial Day parade – breakfast at the Rainbow Restaurant – 7AM,  with final assignments and instructions from Ken, N9YIR at 8AM in the Rainbow parking lot.

Want to volunteer & have yet to notify Ken –
call him at 708-234-0460 or email [email protected]

YRC 1986 Memorial Day parade tb