We will have an upcoming YRC dinner at Mack’s Golden Pheasant, located at 668 W. North Avenue in Elmhurst. A rescheduling date will be posted soon, since the original dinner was cancelled due to high winds and a power outage at Mack’s.
Category Archives: Ham Radio News
Help a fellow Ham & his family
Jerzy – KC9RXT brings to our attention the plight of one of his ham friends and his family – Helping others is how we continue to live in a good and fair world. Read on and consider pitching in –
Rory Scoles and Elli King of Finland, Minnesota lost their log cabin that they built with their own hands to a fire. The family hopes to raise $5,000 to pay for household items, items for their three young boys to be safe during the long winter, and materials needed to rebuild their log cabin to return home.
Find out more by visiting this web site set up to accept donations to help this family re-build