Preliminary Field Day Results

This is a re-post from the YRC Yahoo email reflector:

Below is a quick summary from the W9YRC Field Day operation. I will be working on the official entry to the ARRL this week and plan to get it filed by the end of the weekend (it’s a little like doing your taxes, but simpler). If people took photos of some of our bonus point activities, such as the solar panel or the satellite demonstration, please e-mail me a copy of the photo so that I can include it with our submission as documentation.

+ Total QSOs: 1,440, including GOTA and 6M (previous modern history club record was 1,333 in 2009)
+ ARRL sections worked: 79 (out of 83, the only ones we missed were AK, PR, Northwest Territories and Newfoundland)
+ Not surprisingly, Illinois was our top ARRL SECTION worked: 7 percent of our QSOs on Station1, Station2 and 6M were with Illinois stations
+ Pennsylvania was our top STATE worked, 90 times
+ Seven percent of our QSOs on Station1 and Station2 were with Canadian stations
+ On Station1 and Station2, the QSO breakdown was: 4 digital, 569 CW and 697 SSB
+ The GOTA station made 170s QSOs, all on SSB. The club needs to work on better filtering/antennas for that station, and George and I are already talking about possibilities.

Those are the highlights. If you want to know QSOs by operator, shoot me an e-mail and I’ll send that data your way.

73s, John/N0FCD

Photo Gallery for Field Day 2014

We are accumulating and posting the various photos of the 2014 YRC Field Day. If you have any images to contribute please let us know!!

Additional image views are locted on the Gallery Page

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