2020 YRC Nominated Slate

the York Radio Club nominating committee, charged with setting a slate for 2020 Club officers, reports the following candidates for Club elections;

  • President   –         Dave Novotny     – KC9AMY
  • Vice President  –   Ed Kamm             – KD9JGW
  • Secretary       –    Bob Lund                – WB9HYB
  • Treasurer       –    Angela Gemini     –  KD9IRC

Please note the Club will be taking nominations from the floor (by members) at our December 20, 2019 meeting.

Going Digital on AM Radio

seems like not only are we experiencing the digital revolution (think Fusion, D-Star, DMR, even FT8 and the like,) also now the FCC is helping to allow some more digital to become available on AM radio – read a piece by Paul McLane in last week’s RADIOWORLD – one day (soon) you may hear those funny buzz saw sounds of digital coming from your old car radio. Kinda like hearing fusion on a repeater with an old analog FM radio – yes, the days keep changing, and that is good! https://www.radioworld.com/tech-and-gear/digital-radio/fcc-officially-proposes-to-allow-all-digital-on-u-s-am-band

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