help needed

happily, for the umpteenth year the York Radio Club will assist the City of Elmhurst and provide radio communications for the May 27th Memorial Day Parade – – Gather with your fellow club members and friends for a 7 am breakfast at the Rainbow Cafe on York just south of North Avenue – Under the direction of Ken, N9YIR we get geared up with maps and instructions working from 8:30 am and thru the parades end around 11 am – Please join our group – send an email to Ken (kk @ <remove the spaces in email address> or chime in on one of the Club’s weekly nets and asked to be added to the list – Kindly remember that volunteering is one of the pillars of being an amateur radio operator, (and probably one of the responsibilities. )

YRC - 1950 Elmhurst Memorial Day Parade
club members gathering after their breakfast and getting ready for their parade assignments – not much changes, and best – we can all keep on hamming!


The York Radio Club board, at their April meeting, voted in favor of replacing the club’s main HF radio. The goal, before Field Day, to have a new ICOM IC-7300, along with a power supply and cables – This replacement idea was presented to the Board by Club members suggesting a self-funded effort. The Board backs a plan to do two things to reach our goal. We sell our current ‘rig’ – a Yaesu FT-450D and with what’s needed to purchase a new radio, seek individual contributions from our members, not taking the funds from the Club’s treasury. The process will be voluntary, and at that night’s meeting, two members, George, KC9UIU & Ed, KD9JGW got the mission started with each passing $50 along to Angela, KD9IRC, Club Treasurer and volunteer to collect donations. Further information will be posted, very shortly, on how you can support this effort.

Serving The Interests Of Amateur Radio in the Elmhurst area

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