improve your speed

Sometimes it’s OK to increase your speed, especially when you’re referring to copying Morse code.  Looking for a way to help your skill to copy CW – visit this Morse code trainer either with a web browser or their app (see website for link.)  Follow the cues and turn up the speakers – won’t be long before you’re copying faster code! 

YRC 2018 slate

Election of officers of the York Radio Club will take place this Friday at the December pizza party/meeting.  The nominating committee is presenting the following slate of officers:
President- John McCormick  K9KE
Vice President- George Tasson KC9UIU
Secretary- Dave Novotny  KC9AMY
Treasurer- Steve Jurasek  N9ZE
Nominations from the floor will also be sought.  Hope to see everyone at the meeting.
Your nominating committee
Gehl, KB9DC
Crystal, KC9ISR
Jerzy, KC9RXT

Serving The Interests Of Amateur Radio in the Elmhurst area

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