Holiday Meeting/Party
The next meeting of the York Radio Club will be held — along with our Holiday Party — on Friday, December 15, 2017. The meeting will be held at Aurelio’s Pizza at 1455 W. Lake St., Addison, IL 60101. Pizza and soda will be served.
We’ll start gathering (and eating) at 7:30 p.m. Our business meeting will start at 8:00 p.m., which will include the election of Club officers for 2018. There will be no VE testing.
We ask that all attending the Holiday Party contribute toward the cost of pizza and soda. In past years, this has amounted to around $12 to $15 per person. (Please bring cash.) The Club will also make a contribution toward the cost of food and soda. Beer can be purchased on your own.
ALSO —- You can also pay your Club dues for 2018 at the party. Dues are $25 if you pay in December and $30 if you pay after the first of the year.