Thanks to the extreme generosity of nine York Radio Club members, our club received a total of $850 for the purpose of being able to purchase three up-to-date laptop computers and a WinKey unit for sending and receiving Morse code – This equipment will allow for networked based logging at this year’s Field Day and CW computer driven logging and sending of Morse code –
So, those who helped make this project happen for Field Day logging, (and permanent club on-going use for the VE program and ongoing management of club records and meeting notes, etc., with the third unit,) will be used at the discretion of the YRC board of directors.
So Gehl KB9DVC, Steve N9ZE, George KC9UIU, Don KB9SWI, Dave KC9AMY, Todd W9YK, Mark KB9TVD, Tomoko KD9HTA, Bob WB9HYB stepped up so we can all get a better chance to hit the ball! Thank you all – very much!