‘on-the-air’ so to speak

Thanks to the efforts of Brian, K9QQQ – He asked for and was granted permission to add our club’s repeater onto a list of those repeaters, (and thousands of other re-broadcast radio signals,) that are on the web service – broadcastify.com – now there is some latency of 30 seconds plus, but then you’re in effect listening in real time to all of the activity on our repeater – a stand-in Bearcat 250 scanner supplied by George, KC9UIU, a Raspberry-Pi, some operator talent (that’s Brian) and well, as they say, wallah, we’re on the air – give it a listen here

Mobile Antenna Placement

Ever wonder where might be the best place to have the mobile antenna on your vehicle?  Here are some helpful suggestions which were written by Aaron Logan from the Larsen Antenna Company

read on – – –  link to the article

Your antenna is key to putting out a good signal on VHF/UHF (as well as on HF) Guess the better you become, the better you’ll propagate!  Still have questions . . .  please check into our Monday or Wednesday night nets and ask away – that’s why we’re a club!

Serving The Interests Of Amateur Radio in the Elmhurst area

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