contest season is upon us

Some sort of HF contest operating event occurs every weekend – though some annual contests attract larger participation – certainly the ARRL CW & Phone Sweepstake weekends fits that bill

This past third weekend in November a few YRC members gathered to complete a sweep in a multi-operator low power category – hoping to again be the winner of the Central Division (champions in 2013 & 2014)

Led by John, N0FCD along with George, KC9UIU, Steve, N9ZE, Dave, KC9AMY & Todd, W9YK – a good time and some learning was had by all –

and, as is the norm, a wish to all – good luck in the next contest!

                                                photo by Steve, N9ZE

some new hams in a weekend

Details to follow, but a successful weekend training class led by Chuck, K9PLX, assisted by Don, KB9SWI & Dragan, NN9L –
wrapped up with exams led by our club’s VEC Mark, KB9TVD
helped by a half dozen YRC Volunteer Examiners – job well done by the students and the professors!

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