Logging W9Y

For all of those who will operate W9Y during our 15 day special event you will need to log each contact

We  most definitely prefer electronic logs, and N1MM+ is
the logging software which we recommend –
It is free to download and use – the program is most definitely supported and a grade A piece of logging software.

Visit http://n1mm.hamdocs.com/tiki-index.php?page=Full+Install

If you are already  a user of N1MM+ we recommend that you create a separate new database within the program, labeling it W9Y-<your call> – then simply start an event (new log) and instead of selecting a contest, select DXpedition – then in set-up
customize for our dates of operation 19AUG to 2SEP 2016 –
also select your mode, either CW, SSB, Digital, or all three – –
Start the log and begin to make QSOs –

Alternately you can choose to use whatever other logging program, N3FJP, WriteLog, etc. –

Whatever the program, at the end of the event, simply export an ADIF file and email it to Gehl, KB9DVC our QSL manager –

you may also paper log – heaven for bid the thought – as we will need to re-enter your contacts into an electronic log so that we can fulfill our pledge to the League which will be to upload all QSOs to Logbook of the World (LotW)

but in the interest if getting on the air – here’s a link to a PDF of the paper log – YRC – W9Y paper log



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