Elmhurst Memorial Day parade – are you there?

Whether it was 1986 or 2016 – you have shared in the public service support and/or club camaraderie enjoyed  – hope to see many of you at our local Memorial Day parade – breakfast at the Rainbow Restaurant – 7AM,  with final assignments and instructions from Ken, N9YIR at 8AM in the Rainbow parking lot.

Want to volunteer & have yet to notify Ken –
call him at 708-234-0460 or email kk@kalen.net

YRC 1986 Memorial Day parade tb

made a connection

This past Saturday I heard a call on the repeater via EchoLink – WA2CLX, Phil – during the QSO he shared that his call used to be WA9PPY and that he grew up in Elmhurst – he explained that during his high school days he was active with the York Radio Club (1960’s) and had lost touch after college and that his folks moved away from town.

Phil shared some memories and was glad to hear that his EchoLink QSO would get posted to the YRC website and possibly someone might remember Phil, from back when.

I shared with Phil the day and time of our Wednesday night net – don’t be surprised if you don’t hear his station again on the repeater –
Another great reason to keep up with technology, to keep us amateurs in touch and on the cutting edge!

Serving The Interests Of Amateur Radio in the Elmhurst area

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