six new hams

Ultimately, no matter the materials nor the training available, it comes down to the individual.  Today six out of six participants of the York Radio Club weekend training class passed their FCC Amateur Radio Technician license.

Thanks to VE Captain Mark, KB9TVD,  and the six volunteer examiners who assisted in administering and grading their exams.

There’s something nice when things come together –
Guessing this won’t be the last time that someone interested in becoming a ham, can do it over the weekend.  Job well done to all who helped make this possible.


YRC Weekend Training November 2015 - new hams - six out of six

weekend training, in session

After dusting off the old PowerPoint – beating the bushes to find some interest, the York Radio Club offered a short training class to obtain an FCC amateur license this weekend. Benefitting by having gifted presenters/teachers/boosters, it looks like there will be a few more amateurs this weekend here in Elmhurst.

Thanks to Chuck, K9PLX, assisted by Don, KB9SWI and Dragan, NN9L, and the overall support of the York Radio Club members, a successful weekend is at hand. Six attendees, a few who had to put it off till the next time, and an opportunity for YRC to continue to explore presenting a weekend ham training class.

Details to follow as to how the weekend ends – for now, say no more!

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Serving The Interests Of Amateur Radio in the Elmhurst area

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