SDR (Software Defined Radio) explained –

Thanks George, KC9UIU for a great presentation and demonstration at our July meeting on how you can build & operate (listen,) to your own SDR station – Very doable, not expensive and supported with various software options.

We found this video on YouTube which, in effect, duplicates what George presented and is another good reference for those who want to investigate SDR –

Finally, there are alternative ways to ‘play’ with SDR and listen to SDR radio stations across the world.  See this general list with links at
or my favorite SDR located in the Netherlands (remember the time zone changes and take that into account, that our mid day is their sunset, etc.)

Got a question – e-mail George ( gtasson (at) )
who will be glad to help you on your quest . .

Happy listening –


YRC Field Day 2015

A very successful adventure – preliminary numbers from this year’s YRC Field Day effort show that even with extremely challenging HF propagation, the club almost exceeded last year’s record contact count. Along with bonus points, those efforts might have put us above last year’s total score – A very good time was had by all – some learning, some doing, some fun – no, make that a lot of fun, and some very good camaraderie.

See the photo gallery for a look see.
Additional photos to be added as they arrive.

YRC FD 2015

Serving The Interests Of Amateur Radio in the Elmhurst area

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