a great success by six curious individuals who soon will be licensed amateur radio operators – meet Sophie, Greg, Mourad, Holly, Lisa & Derek – maybe the last KD9Zxx calls issued – our Club’s weekend review class with instruction/coaching led by John – AC9UV, assisted by Todd – W9YK, Al – AC9WN, Jim – W9JGH, George – KC9UIU, Bill – WD9END and John – W9BLN again measured up to be an appropriate way to help folks become hams. Adding a thank you to Mark – KB9TVD, VE captain, and his VEs for making the exam available and handling the paperwork, with each of the applications. Finally, a huge thank you to the City of Elmhurst Elmhurst Fire Department who made space available for our Club – six bright new hams – yes, we all will keep on hamming!