Category Archives: Ham Radio News

YRC – ARRL Special Service Club

York Radio Club has been re-certified as a ARRL Special Service Club – League action June 17, 2022 –

We continue to be recognized as Special Service Club (SSC) A club that exists to go above and beyond for their communities and for Amateur Radio. They say we are the leaders in the Amateur Radio community providing active training classes, publicity programs and actively pursuing technical projects and operating activities.

Well, it’s good to keep trying, and hamming!

Thanks to Ron, KD9IPO for the legwork and paperwork with the League – and to our members who keep remembering to give back and participate!

propagation & more

Thanks, Bill, WD9END for collecting valuable information and then presenting the work to our members at the July meeting – Here are those two handouts as PDF files which you can read and then save to your hard drive for later review —- each has a way of explaining the subject –