Category Archives: Ham Radio News

YRC supports 2022 Elmhurst Memorial Day parade

After a two year absence from the Memorial Day parade — a great return today with 14 Club members and friends assisting with communications and marshal services – thanks

AC9UV John Putnam
K9KE John McCormick
K9RPL Chuck Bolvin – KANE ARES
KA9ERS Dawn Hull
KB9DVC Gehl Entwhistle
KB9TVD Mark Burlingame
KC9UIU George Tasson
KD4SLL Martin Roycewics
KD9IPO Ron Delpiere-Smith
KD9RCL Tim Jonas
KD9THB John Walsh
W9JGH Jim Hull
W9YK Todd Benson
and lead by
WD9END Bill Draheim

some of our volunteers for the 2022 Elmhurst Memorial Day Parade