Category Archives: Ham Radio News

Club repeater off-the -air

George KC9UIU, Bob WB9HYB and Nick KC9WPR made a site visit to troubleshoot the transmit power fluctuation issue. Initial indication showed high VSWR indication on the PA led fault indicator, installing the wattmeter at the output of the repeater, into the antenna feed line verified this problem. 

Troubleshooting revealed that we have a problem with the Celwave Super Stationmaster 455-5N antenna.  Substituting a 50-ohm dummy load for the antenna and sweeping the Andrew LDF5-50 line verified this. We also identified a defective lightning arrestor. Looks like we may have taken a near-field lightning strike. There was no visual indication of any damage. We shut the repeater down to minimize any further damage or repair expense. 

Please monitor our Club’s email reflector for details and this website.


The YRC Nominating Committee has met and declared
their slate for the 2021 York Radio Club officers

They are :

President                        Bill Draheim               WD9END

Vice President              Ed  Kamm                   KD9JGW

Secretary                         Bob Lund                     WB9HYB

Treasurer                          Dave Krause             K9DEK

At the December Club meeting (virtual Zoom) nominations may be made by any club member in good standing – if further nominations occur, an election for that position will ensue.