Category Archives: Ham Radio News

Chicago Area Net Directory (“CAND”)

Chicago Area Net Directory

The following statements were taken from the pdf Net Directory document located on…

Are you new to the Chicago ham radio scene?
Are you interested in becoming active with a repeater organization in the Chicago 6-collar county or North West Indiana?
Are you looking for something to listen to on VHF/UHF in the evening hours?
For answers to these questions and more you need not go any further than CAND, the Chicago Area Net Directory, compiled by Ben Straw/KC9UNS.  When Ben began assembling this directory in 2011, his motivation was to provide a comprehensive document for volunteer examiners and radio clubs that can be handed out to new and aspiring hams. Ben recognizes that unless new hams actually begin talking to someone on the air soon, they’re apt to lose
interest and find another hobby/service.
Unlike net directories of the past, CAND will be revised when necessary and live, using Google Spreadsheet. Friends of Ben will be monitoring the 6 and 2-meter bands along with the 220 & 440 MHz bands for additions and changes to this compendium. For the latest CAND online go to:
Many thanks go out to those who have assisted Ben in this laborious project.  Special thanks to the RAIN Report’s Hap Holly/KC9RP for helping to verify net info for the north and Northwest suburbs from his Des Plaines home and SK Dennis Duffner W9FBM for helping him start the project; Ben resides in Hammond IN.
Additions and changes to the Chicago Area Net Directory are welcome either to Ben (kc9uns (at) or to Hap (hap (at)

Al Lewek, WA9APL on the mend

YRC member Al, WA9APL is under going care after being diagnosed with a curve ball in the ball game of life –

Al is being treated and has some good days, some rough ones;
but tells us that a phone call or e-mail is very much welcome.

Try Al on the phone – he says 6pm or so is a good time to try
His phone number is 630-620-6614 or alewek (at)

Finally, expect to hear him on one of our nets or the repeater before too long!