many of us are looking up

Dave, KC9AMY is getting ready for August 21st at approximately 1 PM – So is Joey, AC9QS & Angela, KD9IRC – Along with millions of other inquisitive inhabitants of North America. They will be looking up at the sun (wearing protective goggles for sure,) to view the complete solar eclipse.

See for more details.

Below is a ‘test’ picture taken by Dave who is preparing to photograph the event.  He wrote “Took this photo the weekend before last.  You can see a sunspot (a little fuzzy) on the left side.  Using a solar filter, 1/10 sec. at f/8, about 8x magnification.  Hope it is not cloudy on Monday!”

We do too! We hope to display a few of his photos here on our club website – For all looking up next week – prepare with safety in mind, but do have an experience of a lifetime – the next chance will be in some 25 years – say no more just look up (with caution.)

plea for help from amateur radio ops

ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, is calling on League members 
to urge their US Senators to support the Amateur Radio Parity Act of
2017, S. 1534. 

ARRL has opened a RallyCongress page to simplify the task.

     “[W]e are at a crossroad in our efforts to obtain passage of
The Amateur Radio Parity Act,” Roderick said. He said the campaign to secure passage of the bill scored a major victory earlier this year
when H.R. 555 passed unanimously in the US House of Representatives. Obtaining passage of the companion Senate bill, S. 1534, is the final legislative hurdle.

“Now is the time for all hams to get involved in the process!”
Roderick said. “Many of you already live in deed-restricted
communities, and that number grows daily.”

He urged radio amateurs now restricted by a Homeowners Association from installing effective outdoor antennas to visit the RallyCongress site and e-mail their two US Senators. He also encouraged those not now affected by deed covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs) to support their fellow radio amateurs by doing the same.

“If you want to help create an opportunity — not available before
now — for Amateurs who live in deed restricted communities to instal effective outdoor antennas on property that they own or lease, send these e-mails today!” Roderick said. “We need you to reach out to your Senators today.  Right away.”

S. 1534 was introduced in the US Senate on July 12, marking another step forward for this landmark legislation. Senators Roger Wicker (R-MS) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) are the Senate sponsors. The measure will, for the first time, guarantee all radio amateurs living in deed-restricted communities governed by a Homeowners Association (HOA) or subject to any private land-use regulations, the right to erect and maintain effective outdoor antennas at their homes, while protecting the aesthetic concerns
of HOAs.

ARRL Illinois Section
Section Manager: Ron Morgan, AD9I
[email protected]

Serving The Interests Of Amateur Radio in the Elmhurst area

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