Category Archives: Ham Radio News

Weekend Review Class – your way to earn an FCC Technician license

Saturday & Sunday, November 12th & 13th, the York Radio Club will once again offer instruction and testing – A program started almost 20 years ago by Chuck, K9PLX continues with materials updated for the 2022-26 license test pool of questions (and answers)

Those taking part in this unique approach of completing their review of the learning materials in a weekend’s time period have been rewarded with a very high passing rate – As always, it’s the student, but we’re glad to explain and answer questions before they test, with very high passing rates over the years.

The sign-up form is on our website

Know someone who might be interested –
kindly pass this opportunity along –

Find the Fox

Fox Hunt will be held Friday, September 16, 2022

Check-in will commence at 6:00 pm on the YRC repeater.
George KC9UIU will be Net Control –

He will take check in’s from 6:00 to 6:15 pm. 

The Fox Hunt will begin at 6:15 pm and run through 7:30 pm.

George (aka The Fox) will be stationary on public land.
A 2 Meter simplex frequency will be announced at check-in.